All Children Can Achieve

Physical Education

PE at Burlington House Prep School aims to create enjoyable and fun experiences by providing a wide and extensive range of sports and opportunities for exploration. The adventures we offer through play are aimed at creating healthy choices which lead to lifelong participation and are designed to have a positive effect on the health and wellbeing of our pupils.

The Structure of Physical Education Lessons at The Prep School

Physical Education lessons at Burlington House Prep School are planned in collaboration with the on-site occupational therapy team. This allows all specialists to work towards the individual needs of each pupil. Where possible, activities take place at specialised venues to facilitate certain activities.

All pupils receive three hours of PE a week and are presented with the opportunity to master Fundamental Movement Skills and develop their Components of Fitness through a variety of isolated activities and fun team-based games. Enjoyment and challenge are at the heart of all our activities and games.

Our Half Termly curriculum includes;

Term Units of work
Autumn Term 1
  • Team building & Problem solving
  • Fundamental Movement
Autumn Term 2
  • Large Ball Skills
  • Move Around Fitness
Spring Term 3
  • Gymnastics/Swimming
  • Para Sport
Spring Term 4
  • Indoor sticks, racquets and bats
  • World of Sport
Summer Term 5
  • Striking & Fielding
  • Roller sport
Summer Term 6
  • Outdoor Tennis / Multi sport
  • Athletics


Pupils also benefit from a single weekly lesson of our well-being unit, Discover Play, which will offer pupils an opportunity to explore new games and sports and encourage learning through the environment. These sessions will increase resilience and creativity while offering a positive way to regulate both physically and mentally.

Key Stage 3 Physical Education

All pupils follow a P.E journey which challenges them physically, socially and personally. Activities are selected to allow students to discover their physical source of enjoyment and motivate them to become lifelong participants.

All pupils receive three hours of PE a week. Given that a large proportion of pupils who have SpLDs excel in a non-academic setting, P.E offers that balance and is a vital part of the school curriculum.

At Key Stage 3 Level we focus on developing the fundamental movement skills started in Key Stage 2.

Our termly curriculum includes;

  • Autumn Term – Team games and Problem Solving
  • Spring Term – Fitness, Swimming, Yoga.
  • Summer Term– Striking and Fielding games, Tennis and Athletics

All pupils will benefit from a single lesson of our well-being unit, Mindful Movement, which will offer pupils an opportunity to take part in gentle activities such as ‘walk and talk’ at the local park, yoga, meditation and other low-stimulus activities. This session will teach each pupil how to connect their mind to their body and experience a positive way to regulate both physically and mentally.